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Affordable 1-on-1 Tutoring For All Boards

Ziyyara offers online tuition classes to the students of all grades ranging from Grade K to 12, A, AS, O Level, for all school levels.
Sign up now to get the personalised attention from our top tutors of CBSE, IGCSE, IB, ICSE, Edexcel and other Boards.

teacher giving online class on computer screen to girl student

CBSE Board

The Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE) is an Indian curriculum accepted widely by various school's across the globe. (CBSE) is divided into 4 categories: Pre-primary,Primary ,Secondary ,Senior Secondary.

Students in group online class on a laptop screen

International Baccalaureate (IB)

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an academic Board categorised into 4 programmes such as Primary Year Programme (PYP), Middle Year Programme (MYP), Diploma Programme (DP), Career Programme (CP).

Boy student taking online tuition on laptop

Cambridge Board

The Cambridge Curriculum is a British curriculum widely adopted after (CBSE) in school's across the globe. Categorised as: Cambridge Primary, Cambridge Lower Secondary and Cambridge International AS, A & O Level

Customized 1-1 Online Tutoring: Explore a Range of Boards!

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Book A Demo Class For Your Kid

Ziyyara is an online education platform that offers personalized and interactive one-on-one classes for kids. The demo class is a free trial session that allows parents and students to experience the teaching methodology and technology.

  • 1-1 Classes
  • Customised Learning
  • 30 min. free demo class
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Delivering Tuition's in 20+ Countries

Delivering Tuition's in 20+ Countries

Delivering Tuition's in 20+ Countries

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